

        發(fā)表年度 論文題目 刊物名稱(chēng)
        2020 Lignin Nanoparticles: Green Synthesis in a gamma-Valerolactone/Water Binary Solvent and Application to Enhance Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING
        2020 Similitudes and differences between two closely related Ficus species in the synthesis by the ostiole of odors attracting their host-specific pollinators: A transcriptomic based investigation ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY
        2020 Effects of moderate warming on growth and physiological performance of subtropical saplings in southern China ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM
        2020 Critical notes on Spiradiclis purpureocaerulea H. S. Lo (Rubiaceae) from Vietnam ADANSONIA
        2020 Spatially heterogeneous responses of tree radial growth to recent El Nino southern-oscillation variability across East Asia subtropical forests AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
        2020 Delayed autumn leaf senescence date prolongs the growing season length of herbaceous plants on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
        2020 The paradox of defoliation: Declining tree water status with increasing soil water content AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
        2020 Attribute parameter characterized the seasonal variation of gross primary productivity (alpha(GPP)): Spatiotemporal variation and influencing factors AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
        2020 Forests buffer thermal fluctuation better than non-forests AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
        2020 Ear photosynthetic anatomy effect on wheat yield and water use efficiency AGRONOMY JOURNAL
        2020 Algal density mediates the photosynthetic responses of a marine macroalga Ulva conglobata (Chlorophyta) to temperature and pH changes ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS
        2020 Digitalized pencil trace modified electrodes for real time evaluation of salicylic acid in detached Arabidopsis thaliana leaves during regeneration ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA
        2020 Primulina zixingensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Hunan, China ANNALES BOTANICI FENNICI
        2020 Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers for the endangered tree Magnolia patungensis (Magnoliaceae) ANNALES BOTANICI FENNICI
        2020 Going with the flow: analysis of population structure reveals high gene flow shaping invasion pattern and inducing range expansion of Mikania micrantha in Asia ANNALS OF BOTANY
        2020 Nitrogen addition to the canopy of Castanopsis chinensis(Sprengel) Hance promoted xylem formation in a subtropical forest in China ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE
        2020 Warming effects on morphological and physiological performances of four subtropical montane tree species ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE
        2020 Healing Properties of Epidermal Growth Factor and Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction in Deep Partial-Thickness Experimental Burn Wounds ANTIOXIDANTS
        2020 Homology and functions of inner staminodes in Anaxagorea javanica (Annonaceae) AOB PLANTS
        2020 Irregular adaxial-abaxial polarity rearrangement contributes to the monosymmetric-to-asymmetric transformation of Canna indica stamen AOB PLANTS
        2020 Difference between emergent aquatic and terrestrial monocotyledonous herbs in relation to the coordination of leaf stomata with vein traits AOB PLANTS
        2020 Exploring candidate genes in a major QTL region associated with salinity tolerance in the skin of Nile tilapia based on transcriptomic analysis AQUACULTURE
        2020 Algal density alleviates the elevated CO2-caused reduction on growth ofPorphyra haitanensis(Bangiales, Rhodophyta), a species farmed in China AQUACULTURE RESEARCH
        2020 Small clones dominate a population of the short-lived perennial seagrass Zostera japonica AQUATIC BOTANY
        2020 Environmental Drivers for Cambial Reactivation of Qilian Junipers (Juniperus przewalskii) in a Semi-Arid Region of Northwestern China ATMOSPHERE
        2020 Assessing the sensitivity of land-atmosphere coupling strength to boundary and surface layer parameters in the WRF model over Amazon ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
        2020 SnRK1 regulates chromatin-associated OXS3 family proteins localization through phosphorylation in Arabidopsis thaliana BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
        2020 Overproduction of plant nuclear export signals enhances diamide tolerance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
        2020 Obtusifoliol 14 alpha-demethylase OsCYP51G1 is involved in phytosterol synthesis and affects pollen and seed development BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
        2020 The complexity of PRC2 catalysts CLF and SWN in plants BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS